Early Treatment
Early Treatment at Virginia Braces and Invisalign Center
Early Treatment
Early treatment, also known as ‘interceptive’ treatment, is provided when your child already has some baby teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), every child should get their first orthodontic examination before they turn 7. By the age of 7, your child will have just enough permanent teeth for our orthodontists at Virginia Braces and Invisalign Center to evaluate the developing teeth and jaws. Our orthodontists have the training and experience to spot even the subtlest issues in young kids.

Importance of Early Treatment
Many parents understand the importance of phase II of orthodontic treatment for their children, taking care that any concerns related to the alignment of smile are addressed. However, many parents tend to miss the importance of early treatment or phase I of orthodontic treatment.
Early orthodontic treatment or phase I orthodontic treatment is for young kids who still have all or part of their baby teeth. It is meant to prevent improper growth or issues with the alignment of permanent teeth. Early orthodontic treatment involves various options, which will depend on the issue your child is facing. The common treatments include:
Palatal expander
Partial braces
The main goal of phase I treatment is to address the skeletal problems related to the jaw and alignment prior to or right after the emergency of permanent teeth.
When Should You Seek Early Treatment?
You should seek early treatment for your child when your child’s dentist or orthodontist notices some problem with the teeth alignment or jaw after permanent teeth emerge. The kinds of issues that may require treatment during phase I include:
Underbites, where the lower front teeth are aligned ahead of the upper front teeth
Crossbites, where there is a slight shift of the jaw to one side
The teeth have excessive space
The teeth are crowded
The teeth don’t meet at all or meet abnormally
Missing or extra teeth
Thumb or finger sucking that affects teeth or jaw growth
Phase I treatment works as a head start for phase II orthodontic treatment because it helps reduce the need for treatments including clear aligners or metal braces during later stages.
Correcting Bad Habits
It often occurs that kids develop bad habits that affect the functionality and development of their teeth, jaws, or oral health. Examples include tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, and thumb/finger sucking. Early treatment can help correct these habits and ensure proper development.
The sucking reflex is natural during early childhood and it should disappear by the age of 4. If the habit persists, it will create pressure on the front teeth and upper jaw, causing the teeth to move apart or any change in the shape of the jaws. Mouth breathing is another bad habit that can keep your child’s mouth always open. It can create orthodontic problems in the upper and lower jaws.
At Virginia Braces and Invisalign Center, we provide a wide range of orthodontic treatments as part of early treatment. We have offices in Arlington, Mechanicsville, Charlottesville, Ruckersville and Woodbridge. The sooner your child receives orthodontic examination and treatment, the better it is for their overall oral health. However, such potential issues are not always easy to detect. This is another reason your child should get early orthodontic screening.